April EGO 2018 Results

Team Results


1st- Team James Clingerman

2nd- Team SAS

3rd- Derby City



1st- Team James Clingerman

2nd- Derby City

3rd- Team SAS


Gi Results

Masters Purple Heavy

  1. Roberto Ramirez - James Clingerman
  2. Tony Clemente - Shawn Hammonds

Masters Purple Light

  1. Markus West - SAS
  2. Diogo Couto – SAS
  3. Robert Neat – Derby City


Masters Blue Super Heavy

  1. Jason Ramey - Indianapolis Carlson Gracie Academy Stockman BJJ
  2. Jason Denny - Team James Clingerman
  3. Christopher Kassl - Endurance BJJ Zionsville

Masters Blue Middle

  1. Brad Kinsey - Barbossa
  2. Clayton Callihan - Derby City MMA

Masters Blue Light

  1. Isaac DeLamatre - Carlson Gracie Team (Ghost)
  2. Patrick Cummings - Team James Clingerman

Masters Blue Feather

  1. Brandon Zimmerman - Performex/Team James Clingerman
  2. Avraham Ruben - Gugel\SAS Team
  3. Brent Eacret - House of Martial Arts


Masters White Unlimited

  1. Nate Rich - Fishers BJJ
  2. Erich Schumann - Performex
  3. Mohamed Mohamed - Neto Gomes BJJ

Masters White Super Heavy

  1. Kyle Hensley - Endurance/James Clingerman
  2. Masen Mills - Garra- Team JC

Masters White Middle

  1. Michael Whitis - Brownsburg BJJ


Mens Brown Middle

  1. Dustin Parish - American Top Team
  2. Matt Harrison - Derby CIty MMA

Mens Brown Light Heavy

  1. Daniel McGuire - Sas team
  2. Cory Vandevanter - American Top Team


Mens Purple Unlimited

  1. Rob Arnett - James Clinerman
  2. Roberto Ramirez - James Clingerman
  3. Jeremiah Roberts - Indiana Pit

Mens Purple Light Heavy

  1. Zach Edington - McVicker's Martial Arts
  2. Brad Woods - James Clingerman
  3. Dustin Mattingly – Derby City

Mens Purple Light

  1. Brandt Basaran - Stockman Jiu Jitsu
  2. Brian Huynh - Derby CIty MMA
  3. Robert Neat - Derbycity MMA


Mens Blue Exibition Unlimited

  1. Brad Kinsey – Barbosa
  2. David Stephens – Team JC
  3. Clay Callihan – Derby City

Mens Blue Unlimited

  1. Gregory Smith - Stockman Jiu-Jitsu
  2. Matt Ballard - Performex- Team JC

Mens Blue Heavy

  1. Gavin Troyer – American Top Team
  2. Billy Edelen – Derby City MMA
  3. Christopher Kassl – Endurance 

Mens Blue Middle

  1. Colton Parks - Barbosa
  2. Nathan Ballard - Performex- Team JC
  3. Sheldon Albertson - Carlson Gracie

Mens Blue Light Heavy

  1. Julian Moore - lagrange gracie
  2. Daniel Davey - Marcello monteiro
  3. Antonio Chambers - Muncie BJJ

Mens Blue Light

  1. Tyrae Dabney-Murphy - Vortex/Team JC
  2. Jacob Clark – Retrofit
  3. Cole Chandler-Foster – Choke U

Mens Blue Feather

  1. Jeff Schroeder - Barbosa
  2. Jakob Morales - Performex/Team James Clingerman
  3. Vinny Talaska - James Clingerman

Mens Blue Super Feather

  1. Jessi Brukholder - Dynamic Jiu Jitsu Academy
  2. Tyler Watson - Choke U
  3. Nathan Guthrie - Ascend

Mens Blue Rooster

  1. Ethan Waltman - Choke U
  2. Trenton Anderson - Clingerman


Mens White Unlimited

  1. Abraham Hall - Performex
  2. Daniel Kelly - Team JC
  3. Nick Joyner - Team James Clingerman

Mens White Super Heavy

  1. Caleb Birge - Pollaro’s martial arts
  2. Joe Powers - Team East Coast BJJ/ Team JC
  3. Joel Hines – Team JC

Mens White Heavy

  1. Hunter Logan - Performex- Team JC
  2. Dylan Lapetina - Indiana Pit
  3. Tyler Boswell - Derby City Mixed Martial Arts

Mens White Light Heavy

  1. Rick Eskra – Choke U
  2. Jalen Ward – Barbosa
  3. Nate Dennis – Team James Clingerman

Mens White Middle

  1. Ari Swartz - Vortex/Team JC
  2. Austin Lake - Zero Ego
  3. Alex Nichols - American top team

Mens White Light

  1. Jacob Kindig - Lee Brothers
  2. David Goodman - Vortex Martial Arts
  3. Joshua Lundy - nice guy submissions

Mens White Feather

  1. Derek Kennedy - Mcvicker martial arts
  2. Dulguun Tuyatsetseg - DePauw
  3. Jared Shafer - Performex- Team JC

Mens White Super Feather

  1. Doug Fagan - Team JC
  2. Christian Hall - Garra- JC
  3. Etienne Ruiz - Depauw tigers

Mens White Rooster

  1. Austin Hoskins - 10th Planet Indy
  2. Mitchael Evans - DePauw
  3. Dominic Heath - Lee Brothers MMA


Womens Purple Open

  1. Jessica Sunier – Red Schafer
  2. Heather Prawat – Zero Ego


Womens Blue Middle 1

  1. Brittany Malone – Derby City
  2. Andrea Taylor – Team James Clingerman

Womens Blue Middle 2

  1. Christine Taylor – Team James Clingerman
  2. Andrea Taylor – Team James Clingerman

Womens Blue Light

  1. Christine Ramion - James Clingerman
  2. Emily Weedman - Helio Soneca
  3. Mandy Felder - Team East Coast BJJ/ Team JC

Womens Blue Feather

  1. Amber Blevins - McVicker's Martial Arts
  2. Andrea Schoenegge - James Clingerman
  3. Kelsey Showers - Zero Ego BJJ

Womens Blue Rooster

  1. Olivia McCameron - BTown MMA and BJJ - Caique
  2. Jeni Fennell - Choke U


Womens White Heavy

  1. Rachel Tague - Team James Clingerman
  2. Lacey Caldwell - Garra/Team JC
  3. Amie McLean - James Clingerman

Womens White Light

  1. Kaycee Sullivan - Choke U
  2. Jeanelle DeGraffinreed - Team east coast BJJ/Team JC
  3. Jordann Hanks - Barbosa Jiu Jitsu

Womens White Feather

  1. Sofia Villegas - Team East Coast BJJ/Team JC
  2. Kristin Gang - Team East Coast BJJ/ Team JC
  3. Liz McMahan - James Clingerman 

Womens White Rooster

  1. Arliesha Pruitt - Derby CIty MMA
  2. Liz Watkins - Performex- Team JC
  3. Colleen Unsworth - East Coast BJJ


Teens White - Advanced Feather

  1. Jared Shafer - Performex- Team JC
  2. Mason Stringer - BJJ Coach Marcello Monteiro
  3. Braxton Clark - Shawn Hammond's, Nice Guy Submission Fighting


Teens White - Intermediate Super Heavy

  1. Joe Kenoyer - Garra
  2. Collin Denny – Team James Clingerman

Teens White - Intermediate Super Feather

  1. Lucas Lu - House of Martial Arts
  2. Gabby Whitis - Pollaros martial arts
  3. Mark anthony Neff - Garra Brazilian jiu jitsu and mma academy

Teens White - Intermediate Rooster

  1. Bricen Maloney - SAS TEAM
  2. Shyla Davidson - Olympus Martial Arts And Fitness

Teens White - Intermediate Super Fly

  1. Nikolas Baugh - Stockman Jiu Jitsu
  2. J.J. Wade - Indiana Pit 

Teens White - Beginner Feather

  1. Jacob Kernel - Garra Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and MMA
  2. Trinity Elledge - Performex


Kids All Belts - Advanced Super Bantam

  1. Mason Jones - Team Corral
  2. Shaine Harris - James Clingerman


Kids All Belts – Intermediate Super Feather

  1. Jacob Castillo – SAS
  2. Ashlynn Neff – Garra
  3. Nicolas Mikola – House of Martial Arts

Kids All Belts - Intermediate Feather

  1. Kaleb Stockman - Stockman Jiu Jitsu
  2. Brady Hightower - Indiana Pit
  3. Xavier Gouker - Zero Ego

Kids All Belts - Intermediate Super Bantam

  1. Ella Pielemeier - Zero Ego Jiu Jitsu
  2. Kimora Bradin - MMA Minded
  3. Kayci Woods - James Clingerman

Kids All Belts - Intermediate Bantam

  1. Ella Pielemeier - Zero Ego Jiu Jitsu
  2. Kimora Bradin - MMA Minded
  3. Hadlie Cipriano – Garra

Kids All Belts - Intermediate Super Fly

  1. Kaitlyn Spurgeon - Team James Clingerman
  2. Melodie Bradin - MMA Minded
  3. Camden 'Lil Hook' Trulock - Fishers BJJ- Team JC


Kids All Belts - Beginner Light

  1. Harrison Rich - Fishers
  2. Madisynn Neff - Garra

Kids All Belts - Beginner Super Feather

  1. Bella Malicote - Team JC
  2. Ashlynn Neff - Garra

Kids All Belts - Beginner Super Bantam

  1. Jojo Wilson – Nice Guy
  2. Jude Sawyer – Garra/ Team JC

Kids All Belts - Beginner Bantam

  1. Oliver Long - Zero Ego
  2. Kiarra Churchill - Fishers/ Team JC
  3. Maddox Mills - Garra


Half Pints All Belts - Intermediate Super Fly

  1. Darren Parker - Endurance BJJ
  2. Elliott Brown - Stockman Jiu Jitsu/Carlson Gracie Team
  3. Xander Mireles - JGMMA SAS


Half Pints All Belts - Beginner Bantam

  1. Darren Parker - Endurance BJJ
  2. Finn Gulbrandsen - Endurance BJJ
  3. Bryar Rowe - Olympus Martial Arts and Fitness

Half Pints All Belts - Beginner Light Fly

  1. Amr Fadel - Neto Gomes BJJ
  2. Uriah Kraus - Ibjj
  3. Nour Fadel - Neto Gomes Bjj




No-gi Results

Masters Expert Heavy

  1. Roberto Ramirez - James Clingerman
  2. Tony Clemente - Shawn Hammonds

Masters Expert Light Heavy

  1. Dan Hornbuckle - American Top Team
  2. Cory Vandevanter - American Top Team
  3. Brad Woods - James Clingerman

Masters Expert Light

  1. Jared Cantrell –
  2. Robert Neat – Derby City MMA


Masters Advanced Light

  1. Markus West - SAS TEAM JGMMA
  2. Diogo Couto - Sas Team


Masters Intermediate Super Heavy

  1. Jason Ramey - Indianapolis Carlson Gracie Academy Stockman BJJ
  2. Jason Denny - Team James Clingerman

Masters Intermediate Feather

  1. Brent Eacret - House of Martial Arts
  2. Avraham Ruben- Jorge Gurgel MMA
  3. Joel Drayer - Journey Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu/ Team Clingerman




Mens Expert Exhibition

  1. Dave Reeves – Jorge Gurgel MMA
  2. Tony Clemente – Shawn Hammonds
  3. Matt Harrison – Shawn Hammonds

Mens Expert Unlimited

  1. Rob Arnett – Team James Clingerman
  2. Jeremiah Roberts – Indiana Pit

Mens Expert Heavy

  1. Billy Edelen - Derby City MMA
  2. Roberto Ramirez - James Clingerman
  3. Dylan Lapetina - Indiana Pit

Mens Expert Light Heavy

  1. Dan McGuire – SAS
  2. Cory Vandevanter – American Top Team
  3. Zach Edington - McVickers

Mens Expert Middle

  1. Dustin Parish - American Top Team
  2. Matt Harrison - Derby CIty MMA
  3. Tony Clemente – Shawn Hammonds

Mens Expert Light

  1. Jacob Clark - Retrofit
  2. Craig Edmondson - Indy Boxing & Grappling


Mens Advanced Light Heavy

  1. Julian Moore - lagrange gracie
  2. Dustin Mattingly - Derby City MMA
  3. Cody Elder - James Clinerman

Mens Advanced Middle

  1. Jordan Cryder - Marcello monteiro
  2. Dustin Mattingly - Derby City MMA
  3. David Stephens - James Clinerman

Mens Advanced Feather

  1. Logan Chaves - 10th planet indy
  2. Jakob Morales - Performex/Team James Clingerman
  3. Cody Haycraft - Vortex Martial Arts Gym

Mens Advanced Super Feather

  1. Adam Kim - Zero Ego
  2. Trenton Anderson – Team James Clingerman
  3. Nathaniel Nolan – Retrofit


Mens Intermediate Unlimited

  1. Nick Joyner - Team James Clingerman
  2. Gregory Smith - Stockman Jiu-Jitsu

Mens Intermediate Super Heavy

  1. Caleb Birge - Pollaro’s martial arts
  2. Gavin Troyer - American Top Team of Indianapolis

Mens Intermediate Light Heavy

  1. Antonio Chambers - Muncie BJJ
  2. Daniel Davey - Marcello monteiro

Mens Intermediate Middle

  1. Clayton Callihan - Derby City MMA
  2. George Johnson - Kryptonite MMA
  3. Matthew DeRegnaucourt - Barbosa Jiu Jitsu

Mens Intermediate Light

  1. Tyrae Dabney-Murphy - Vortex/Team JC
  2. Patrick Cummings - Team James Clingerman
  3. Cole Chandler-Foster – Choke U

Mens Intermediate Feather

  1. Vinny Talaska - James Clingerman
  2. Hakan Craig - None
  3. Tre Wilson - Nice Guy Submission Fighting

Mens Intermediate Super Feather

  1. Jessi Brukholder - Dynamic Jiu Jitsu Academy
  2. Randy Bentley - East coast/ JC
  3. Tyler Watson - Choke U

Mens Intermediate Rooster

  1. Ethan Waltman – Choke U
  2. Dominic Heath - Lee Brothers MMA


Mens Beginner Unlimited

  1. Abraham Hall - Performex
  2. Jacob Adkins - Olympus Martial Arts And Fitness
  3. Caleb Tague - Team James Clingerman

Mens Beginner Super Heavy

  1. Joe Powers - Team East Coast BJJ/ Team JC
  2. Joel Hines - IBJJA
  3. Kyle Hensley - Endurance/James Clingerman

Mens Beginner Heavy

  1. Ed Heltzel - JGMMA / SAS
  2. Hunter Logan - Performex- Team JC
  3. Patrick Savage - Derby City MMA

Mens Beginner Light Heavy

  1. Patrick Savage - Derby City MMA
  2. Nathanael Dennis - James Clingerman

Mens Beginner Middle

  1. Austin Lake - Zero Ego
  2. Kyle Miller – Team JC
  3. Ari Swartz - Vortex/Team JC

Mens Beginner Light

  1. David Goodman - Vortex Martial Arts
  2. Alex Lord - James Clingerman/Endurance BJJ
  3. Joshua Lundy - nice guy submissions

Mens Beginner Feather

  1. Teodoro Partida Valencia - Impact Zone
  2. James Bowman - James Clingerman
  3. Joseph Casteel - Garra

Mens Beginner Super Feather

  1. Christian Hall - Garra- JC
  2. Etienne Ruiz - Depauw tigers
  3. Doug Fagan – James Clingerman

Mens Beginner Rooster

  1. Mitchael Evans - DePauw
  2. Austin Hoskins - 10th Planet Indy
  3. Tyler Dean - 10th Planet Jiu Jitsu Indianapolis


Mens Novice Unlimited

  1. Alex Burkett - JGMMA/SAS
  2. Shane Maddox - Derby City MMA

Mens Novice Light Heavy Exhibition

  1. Abraham Hall – Performex
  2. Mark Fanelli – Impact Zone

Mens Novice Middle

  1. David Flannelly - James Clingerman
  2. Michael Whitis - Brownsburg BJJ

Mens Novice Feather

  1. Freddie Sergent – Ibjja

Mens Novice Super Feather

  1. BROCK SPRATT - Not applicable
  2. Arturo Balcazar - DePauw
  3. Joe Stovall - 10th Planet


Womens Advanced Light

  1. Christine Ramion - James Clingerman
  2. Mandy Felder - Team East Coast BJJ/ Team JC
  3. Heather Prawat - Zero Ego

Womens Advanced Feather

  1. Andrea Schoenegge - James Clingerman
  2. Barbara Davis - McGuin JiuJitsu

Womens Advanced Rooster

  1. Arliesha Pruitt - Derby CIty MMA
  2. Olivia McCameron - BTown MMA and BJJ - Caique


Womens Intermediate Heavy

  1. Amie McLean - James Clingerman
  2. Lacey Caldwell - Garra/Team JC
  3. Rachel Tague - Team James Clingerman 

Womens Intermediate Middle

  1. Brittany Malone - Derby CIty MMA
  2. Andrea Taylor - Team James Clingerman

Womens Intermediate Feather

  1. Kelsey Showers - Zero Ego BJJ
  2. Amber Blevins - McVicker's Martial Arts
  3. Gabby Whitis - Pollaros martial arts

Womens Intermediate Rooster

  1. Jeni Fennell - Choke U
  2. Jordan Harrington - Vortex Martial Arts


Womens Beginner Heavy

  1. Jenn Starkey - James Clingerman
  2. Courtney Burns - Red Schafer MMA

Womens Beginner Light

  1. Kaycee Sullivan - Choke U
  2. Jeanelle DeGraffinreed - Team east coast BJJ/Team JC
  3. Tara Hopkins - Circle City Martial Arts and Fitness 10th Planet

Womens Beginner Feather

  1. Sofia Villegas - Team East Coast BJJ/Team JC
  2. Liz McMahan - James Clingerman
  3. Kristin Gang - Team East Coast BJJ/ Team JC

Womens Beginner Rooster

  1. Colleen Unsworth - East Coast BJJ
  2. Katie Beard - Impact Zone Training Center
  3. Karen Moreno lawyer - Team Shawn Hammonds



Teens Advanced Feather

  1. Jared Shafer - Performex- Team JC
  2. Mason Stringer - BJJ Coach Marcello Monteiro
  3. Braxton Clark - Shawn Hammond's, Nice Guy Submission Fighting

Teens Advanced Rooster

  1. Jason Reeves – Jorge Gurgel MMA
  2. Trenton Anderson – Team James Clingerman
  3. Dominic Heath – Lee Brothers MMA


Teens Intermediate Super Feather

  1. Gabby Whitis - Pollaros martial arts
  2. Bricen Maloney - SAS TEAM
  3. Mark anthony Neff - Garra Brazilian jiu jitsu and mma academy

Teens Intermediate Rooster

  1. Bricen Maloney - SAS TEAM
  2. Shyla Davidson - Olympus Martial Arts And Fitness
  3. Isaac Currier - James Clingerman

Teens Intermediate Super Fly

  1. Nikolas Baugh - Stockman Jiu Jitsu
  2. J.J. Wade - Indiana Pit


Kids Advanced Super Bantam

  1. Mason Jones - Team Corral
  2. Shaine Harris - James Clingerman


Kids Intermediate Super Feather

  1. Jacob Castillo - Sas team
  2. Nicolas Mikola - House of Martial Arts
  3. Ashlynn Neff - Garra

Kids Intermediate Feather

  1. Kaleb Stockman - Stockman Jiu Jitsu
  2. Brady Hightower - Indiana Pit
  3. Xavier Gouker - Zero Ego

Kids Intermediate Super Bantam

  1. Ella Pielemeier - Zero Ego Jiu Jitsu
  2. Kimora Bradin - MMA Minded
  3. Hadlie Cipriano - Garra

Kids Intermediate Super Fly

  1. Camden 'Lil Hook' Trulock - Fishers BJJ- Team JC
  2. Kaitlyn Spurgeon - Team James Clingerman
  3. Makaila Raines - James Clingerman


Kids Beginner Exhibition

  1. Harrison Rich – Fishers
  2. Noah Alsup – Alan Stockman BJJ
  3. Madisynn Neff - Garra

Kids Beginner Light

  1. Harrison Rich - Fishers
  2. Madisynn Neff - Garra

Kids Beginner Super Feather

  1. Ashlynn Neff - Garra
  2. Bella Malicote - Team JC

Kids Beginner Super Bantam

  1. JoJo Wilson - Nice Guy Submission Fighting
  2. Jude Sawyer - Garra

Kids Beginner Bantam

  1. Kiarra Churchill - Fishers/ Team JC
  2. Maddox Mills - Garra



Half Pints Intermediate Bantam

  1. Elliott Callihan - Derby City MMA
  2. Darren Parker - Endurance BJJ
  3. Camden Trulock – Fishers BJJ/ Team James Clingerman

Half Pints Intermediate Super Fly 1

  1. Elliott Callihan - Derby City MMA
  2. Xander Mireles - JGMMA SAS
  3. Marli Wood – Team James Clingerman

Half Pints Intermediate Super Fly 2

  1. Elliott Callihan - Derby City MMA
  2. Xander Mireles - JGMMA SAS
  3. Darren Parker - Endurance BJJ


Half Pints Beginner Bantam

  1. Darren Parker - Endurance BJJ
  2. Bryar Rowe - Olympus Martial Arts and Fitness

Half Pints Beginner Light Fly

  1. Amr Fadel - Neto Gomes BJJ
  2. Yahia Fadel - Neto Gomes BJJ
  3. Nour Fadel - Neto Gomes Bjj




Exhibition Matches

  1. Oliver Long – Zero Ego
  2. Logan David –
  3. Maddox Mills- Garra
  4. Blake David –
  5. Bella Malicote – Team James Clingerman


  1. Dominic Heath – Lee Brothers MMa
  2. Jason Reeves – Jorge Gurgel
  3. Isaac Currier – Team James Clingerman


  1. Piper Reese –
  2. Shyla Davidson –


  1. Oliver Long – Zero Ego
  2. Kayci Woods –


  1. Phillip Clifford –
  2. Kayci Woods –


Next Event

  • There are no events currently scheduled.

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I loved your tournament.  I had a lot of fun competing, amazing people and fantastic ref's. no b.s. calls.  All in all it was a good day. thank you guys!

~John Andrew Nauracy