July 16th, 2011

Spring Hill, TN EGO


Team Results



1st              Shawn Hammonds

2nd              James Clingerman

3rd              Memphis Judo and Jiu Jitsu



1st              Shawn Hammonds

2nd              James Clingerman

3rd              TBJJA



Kid’s Gi



Rooster Novice

1st         Jerzy Hendrix                                    Bunny’s MMA

2nd         Hailey Dennison                                    TBJJA

3rd         Devin Stoker                                    TBJJA


Super Feather

1st         Blain Fussell                                    Team Shawn Hammonds

2nd         Calvin Eason                                    Team Shawn Hammonds

3rd         Ethan Wyatt                                    TBJJA


Feather Novice

1st         Nakana Costa                                    Nemisis

2nd         Bryan Attamirano                           Team Shawn Hammonds

3rd         Justin Lee                                             Team Shawn Hammonds


Feather Beginner

1st         Jeff Ince                                             Memphis Judo and Jiu Jitsu

2nd          Mason Smith                                    Team Shawn Hammonds

3rd         Ethan Achinger                                    TBJJA


Feather Intermediate

1st         Trace Carter                                    Derby City MMA

2nd         Devin Rice                                    Team James Clingerman


Feather – Female

1st         Cheyenne Woodard                           Team Shawn Hammonds        

2nd         Rebecca Wright                                    Monterio


Light Novice

1st         Sean Serran                                    Team Shawn Hammonds

2nd         Drew Akin                                             Luiz Palhares

3rd         Bryson Williams                           Luiz Palhares


Light Intermediate

1st         Raymond Eason                                    Team Shawn Hammonds

2nd         Caleb Silva                                    Team Shawn Hammonds

3rd         Frankie Rivera                                    Team Shawn Hammonds


Middle Novice/Beginner

1st         Daniel Torres                                    SSF

2nd         Joshua Everson                                    Team Torment

3rd         Harrison Kyle                                    TBJJA


Light Heavy Novice/Beginner

1st          Seth Ritchie                                    Derby City

2nd         Cayton Bass                                    TBJJA


Heavy Novice

1st         Brett Wright                                    Monterio

2nd         Kyle Smith                                    Team Shawn Hammonds

3rd         Tyler Moore                                    TBJJA


Heavy Beginner/Intermediate

1st         Dylan Dennison                                    TBJJA

2nd         Lucas Garrett                                    Team Shawn Hammonds

3rd         Devin O’Neal                                    Team Shawn Hammonds


Heavy Advanced

1st         Zane Brown                                    Team Brent Weedman

2nd         Jacob G                                             Team James Clingerman

3rd         Seth Ritchie                                    Derby City MMA


Teens Gi

White Belt


1st         Nicholas Naughton                           Team Shawn Hammonds

2nd         Nicholas Kilburn                           Team Luit Kilburn

3rd         Devin O’Neal                                    Team Shawn Hammonds



1st         Seth Kellon                                    Team Shawn Hammonds

2nd         Jacob Richart                                    Team Shawn Hammonds



1st         Andrew Peterson                           Luiz Palhares

2nd         Matt Felsbury                                    Memphis Judo and Jiu Jitsu

3rd         Thomas Azpell                                    Luiz Palhares





1st         Chad Hardy                                    Derby City MMA

2nd         Jaxmen Radloff                                    Hidden Samurai



Womens Gi


White Belt



1st         Jennifer Hughes                                    Badwolf

2nd         Valerie Potts                                    Nemesis



1st         Amberlynn Orr                                    Team Torment

2nd         Jill Farlow                                             Jackson BJJ

3rd         Julia Hittinger                                    Team James Clingerman



1st         Nichole Smith                                    Hammonds

2nd         Ryen Rae                                             SSF


Blue Belt

1st         Kayla Pallerian                                    Memphis Judo and Jiu Jitsu

2nd         Shakia Harris                                    Team One Bowling Green

3rd         Rachel Kluess                                    Team Shawn Hammonds


Mens Gi

White Belt



1st         George Moles                                    KMAA

2nd         Cory Watson                                    Nemesis


Super Feather

1st         Clint Caro                                             Luiz Palhares

2nd         Matt Biemick                                    Arsenal MMA

3rd         Jeremy Helton                                    Team James Clingerman



1st         Brad Woods                                    Team James Clingerman

2nd         Ebi                                                       Badwolf MMA

3rd         Damon Parr                                    HICS



1st         James Bobb                                    Team James Clingerman

2nd         Timothy Hittinger                           Team James Clingerman

3rd         Ricky Jones JR                                    Bowling Green Judo Club



1st         Ben Fowler                                    Derby City MMA

2nd         Taylor Bright                                    Memphis Judo and Jiu Jitsu

3rd         Jimmy Himbert                                    Pound 4 Pound MMA


Light Heavy

1st         Max Kanzler                                    Team James Clingerman

2nd         Robert Doolin                                    Derby City MMA

3rd         Kyle Stover                                    Badwolf MMA


Super Heavy

1st         Jason Moyer                                    TBJJA

2nd         Edgar Fierro                                    Clarksville Budo Club        



1st         Rob Arnett                                             Team James Clingerman

2nd         Thomas West                                    Jackson BJJ

3rd         LaTravis Mason                                    Memphis Judo and Jiu Jitsu


Blue Belt



Super Feather

1st         Sam O’Keefe                                    Team James Clingerman

2nd         Thomas Vasquez                           Team Torment

3rd         Zack Tarr                                             Jackson BJJ



1st         Chad Hardy                                    Derby City MMA

2nd         Jason Ramos                                    Nemesis

3rd         Austin Lucas                                    Brentwood BJJ



1st         Jorge Medina                                    Team Shawn Hammonds

2nd         Steven                                              Team Shawn Hammonds

3rd         Eron Johnsey                                    Luiz Palhares



1st         Donnie Wallace                                    HICS

2nd         Jeremy Miller                                    Memphis Judo and Jiu Jitsu

3rd         Elvis Petrick                                    Badwolf MMA


Light Heavy

1st         Brian Cockerham                           Badwolf MMA

2nd         Morton Scott                                    Porto De Carro

3rd         Jason Scott                                    Luiz Palhares


Super Heavy

1st         David Newton                                    Bowling Green Judo

2nd         Jamie Sutton                                    Badwolf MMA



1st         Tracy Hurley                                    Badwolf MMA

2nd         Blake Warren                                    TBJJA


Purple Belt



1st         Tyler Steppe                                    Memphis Judo and Jiu Jitsu

2nd         Kenny Degenhardt                           Team Shawn Hammonds

3rd         Javier Arrayo                                    Team Shawn Hammonds



1st         Tyler Steppe                                    Memphis Judo and Jiu Jitsu

2nd         Brad Stein                                             TBJJA

3rd         Jordan Schilleman                           Luiz Palhares


Mens Master Gi


White Belt



1st            Kent Bailey                                    Nemesis

2nd         Donny Cook                                    Memphis Judo and Jiu Jitsu        



1st            Greg Taylor                                    Team Shawn Hammonds

2nd         Dan Pennington                                    Team Shawn Hammonds


Light Heavy

1st         Chris Martin                                    Badwolf MMA

2nd         Brian Young                                    Team Shawn Hammonds

3rd         Allen Cornett                                    Team James Clingerman



1st         Chris Hamilton                                    Team Shawn Hammonds

2nd         Cheston Hoover                                    Nice Guy Submission



Blue Belt



1st            Gary Widget                                    Team James Clingerman

2nd         Keith Savage                                    Luiz Palhares

3rd            Dave Garkin                                    Team One



Kids No-Gi


Rooster Beginner

1st         Calvin Eason                                    Team Shawn Hammonds

2nd         Jerzy Hendrix                                    Bunny’s MMA

3rd         Tylor Stoker                                    TBJJA


Super Feather Novice/Beginner

1st         Blaine Fussull                                    Team Shawn Hammonds

2nd         Hailey Dennision                           TBJJA

3rd            Brady Morrison                                    TBJJA


Feather Novice

1st         Mason Smith                                    Team Shawn Hammonds

2nd         Cheyenne Wooderd                           Team Shawn Hammonds

3rd            Christopher Van                                    Team Shawn Hammonds


Feather Beginner

1st         Devin Rice                                    Team James Clingerman

2nd         Jeff Ince                                             Memphis Judo and Jiu Jitsu

3rd            Ethan Achinger                                    TBJJA


Feather Intermediate

1st         Trace Carter                                    Derby City MMA

2nd         Ethan Wyatt                                    TBJJA


Light Novice

1st         Sean Sesnan                                    Team Shawn Hammonds

2nd         Kyle Walker                                    Luiz Palhares

3rd         Jake Warfel                                    Monterio


Light Beginner

1st         Daniel Tornes                                    SSF

2nd         Caleb Silya                                    Team Shawn Hammonds

3rd         Bryson Williams                           Luiz Palhares


Middle Novice/Beginner

1st         Joshua Everson                                    Torment

2nd         Harrision Kyle                                    TBJJA


Light Advanced

1st         Dylan Dennison                                    TBJJA

2nd         Raymond Eason                                    Team Shawn Hammonds


Light Heavy Novice

1st         Brett Wright                                    Montero

2nd         Caleb Everson                                    Torment

3rd         Tyler Moore                                    TBJJA


Light Heavy Intermediate/Advanced

1st         Zane Brown                                    Team Brent Weedman

2nd         Seth Ritchie                                    Derby City MMA
3rd         Jacob G                                             Team James Clingerman


Heavy Novice

1st         Lukas Garrett                                    Team Shawn Hammonds

2nd         Kyle Smith                                    Team Shawn Hammonds



Teens No-Gi



Rooster Novice

1st         Brett Wright                                    Montiero

2nd         Blake Chaffin                                    HICS

3rd         Devin O’Neal                                    Team Shawn Hammonds                 


Super Feather Intermediate

1st         Nicholas Naughton                           Team Shawn Hammonds

2nd         Nicholas Kilburn                           Luiz Palhares


Feather Beginner

1st            Seth Kellen                                    Team Shawn Hammonds

2nd         Jacob Ritchard                                    Team Shawn Hammonds

3rd         Kevin Herman                                    HICS


Light Heavy Novice/Beginner

1st         Justin Smith                                    Nemesis

2nd         Matt Felsberg                                    Memphis Judo and Jiu Jitsu




Women’s No-Gi



1st         Amberlynn Orn                                    Torment

2nd         Valerie Potts                                    Nemesis



1st         Kayla Patterson                                    Memphis Judo and Jiu Jitsu

2nd         Shakia Hams                                    Bowling Green


Men’s No-Gi





1st         Damon Parr                                    HICS

2nd         Eric Robison                                    TBJJA

3rd         Adam Casillas                                    Gracie Academy MO



1st         Vehab Cuturic                                    HICS

2nd         Kenny Gober                                    Joelton MMA

3rd         Sam Lowery                                    Bowling Green



1st         Jason Moyer                                    TBJJA

2nd         David Pauwels                                    Bowling Green





Super Feather

1st         Duke Jackson                                    HICS

2nd         Steffan Clark                                    Team One

3rd         Jeremy Helton                                    Team James Clingerman



1st         Michael Bartlett                                    Cumberland MMA

2nd         Seth Kellow                                    Team Shawn Hammonds

3rd         Kevin Robison                                    TBJJA



1st         Stewart Cromnell                           Team Shawn Hammonds

2nd         Ryan Mech                                    Damage

3rd         Ricky Jones Jr                                    Bowling Green



1st         Taylor Bright                                    Memphis Judo and Jiu Jitsu

2nd         Ben Fowler                                     Derby City MMA

3rd         Jake Marr                                             HICS


Light Heavy

1st         Max Kanzler                                    Team James Clingerman

2nd         Allen Cornett                                    Team James Clingerman

3rd         Sean Craft                                             Gracie Academy MO



1st         LaTravis Mason                                    Memphis Judo and Jiu Jitsu

2nd         Blake Warren                                    TBJJA

3rd         Kaleb Combs                                    HICS





Super Feather

1st         Thomas Vasquez                           Torment

2nd         Zack Tarr                                             Jackson BJJ                          

3rd         David Dunn                                    Team Shawn Hammonds



1st         Brad Woods                                    Team James Clingerman

2nd         Braeden Ward                          



1st         Jorge Medina                                    Team Shawn Hammonds

2nd         Eron Johnsey                                    Luiz Palhares

3rd         Sean Harlow                                    Team Shawn Hammonds






1st         Matt Perry                                             James Clingerman

2nd         Atushiro Takano                                    James Clingerman

3rd         Chad Hardy                                     Derby City MMA



1st         Chris Papandria                                    Team James Clingerman

2nd         Brandon Herrington                           Bowling Green



1st         Donny Wallace                                    HICS

2nd         Mark Miller                          

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Great event.  I always look forward to the EGO and it never disappoints

~Mike Little